The other day I came across an article on my computer about the common characteristics of those who excel at their work. I must have saved it some- time ago because I can't remember where I got it or who originally wrote it. Yet I think part of the article bears repeating.
The Bible identifies five characteristics of people who excel at what they do. (1) People who excel at work are those who do their job with enthusiasm. Emerson once said "Nothing great has ever been accomplished without enthu- siasm." Regardless of whether the job is big or small, give it your best. Great performers give their best effort, no matter what is the size of the audience. (2) People who excel sharpen their skills. They never stop developing... grow- ing... learning... improving. (3) People who excel keep their word. They are reliable. They can be counted on to do what they say they'll do. (They excel because people of integrity are rare in our society.) Reliability beats talent in the long run. (4) People who excel maintain a positive attitude. Even under pressure... or change... or unrealistic demands, they don't allow themselves to become negative. (5) People who excel do more than is expected. This is a secret that every successful person has discovered. You'll never excel by only doing what is required -- the bare minimum. People who excel always strive to give it their best.
Speaking of people who excel by giving their best, I want to let you our church family know that after serving for over twelve years as my Ministry Assistant, Jessica Wayne will be leaving our staff in a few days to accept a position with the Benton Public Schools. During Jessica's tenure she has served with integri- ty and has excelled within the challenges of her ministry roles. She has dis- played daily the five characteristics listed above.
Jessica will be leaving with my appreciation and respect, and she will be greatly missed by all who have served with her. As her friend and pastor I am excited about the new opportunities that await her, and I know God will continue to bless her in her new role.
Pastor Rick