
Contact Us

  • Phone: (501) 315-2270
  • Email:
  • Campus Address:
    211 S. Market St. Benton, AR  72015

Service Times

  • Sunday: 8:45-9:45 AM
     & 11:11 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Wendesday: 6:00 PM

Music & Worship

School of Worship Arts

Private instruction is available to equip children and adults to develop and use their talents for the glorification of God through the arts. We teach our students to use the arts as a tool to strengthen the spiritual life of the artist and bring people into active roles in their church.

Children's Choirs

An important part of our music ministry is helping children learn how to worship. We teach them that music is one of the wonderful ways we have of expressing ourselves to God and praising Him. Each week, dedicated teachers who love children are prepared to help students understand and grow in their musical gifts. More importantly, they provide guidance and encouragement for each child to exercise his or her gifts to the glory of God.

Student Choir

The student choir at First Baptist, known as Pure Energy, has developed a reputation throughout the nation for its commitment to excellence and its consistent strength in numbers. For several years, the group has numbered one hundred or more active students in grades 8-12. With an emphasis on worship, textual understanding, musicianship, structure, discipline, commitment, and student leadership, the choir has developed a strong tradition with which students want to be identified. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings at 4:30pm throughout the school year.

Celebration Choir

Membership in the Celebration Choir is open to anyone aged 18 or older. This choir leads in worship for the Sunday Celebration Service each week.  Wednesday night rehearsals begin at 7:15pm and are a fun time of fellowship, worship, inspiration, learning and sharing.

Worship Orchestra

The church orchestra rehearses on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm and accompanies the Sunday morning service. Membership requires that players be in the 9th grade or older and have a minimum of three years playing experience.

Senior Adult Choir

Affectionately known as the Morning Glories, this group was organized in 1985. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 10:00am.  Anyone who is aged 55 or older is welcome to become a member of this fun and inspiring group.


Hallelujah Bells is a very talented group that meets each Wednesday evening at 5:45-7:00pm. They ring in worship services periodically. Membership in this group is by invitation as positions become vacant. There is also a Children’s Handchime Choir.

The Gathering Worship Band

Our worship band led by Music Associate, Cory Epps, leads worship each Sunday morning during the 11:11 AM worship service.  Members of this team often rotate, allowing several people to be involved The band meets for rehearsal each Wednesday night at 8:30.