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- Sunday: 8:45-9:45 AM
& 11:11 AM - 12:45 PM - Wendesday: 6:00 PM
Last month, I was contacted by a reporter from the New York Times who was writing a story about the role of technology in the Church. She was specifically exploring the popularity of on-line worship broadcasting, which gives people the opportunity to attend church from home when unable or unwilling to walk through the doors of a local congregation. What intrigued me about her phone call was her interest in covering a story about Christian living. It’s not every day that you read about the Church in the New York Times. I am realizing more than ever that the world is watching what Christians do on-line with great curiosity.
Every month or so, I dig through statistical data to see how the content I produce and publish for FBC is consumed. One number really stood out at me this week; Fifty-three. That’s the number of countries from which FBC’s on-line videos have been viewed at least once in the last year. Media, especially social media, is helping Christians extend our message and the world is listening. The world is also watching daily to see if our message and the way we live are in sync.
How is the Church using media to speak Truth into a chaotic world? Are we being intentional in our use of technology to promote the Gospel? What are people seeing from the way believers behave on-line and how does that affect our message? Are we using our web presence to advance the Kingdom, or making it more difficult for seekers and non-believers to desire more of God? We all have influence in the digital landscape. Let’s make it count!
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation..." Isaiah 52:7
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